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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 10, 2018

This Gigi is loved to the moon and back shirt

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If we can accept that simple fact, This Gigi is loved to the moon and back shirt. I think a lot of us passively let that effect how we treat others. If we focus on Serving others and letting go of the hurt, the world can start truly changing. I think the point isn’t about the phone. The phone is only in the video because it is relevant to our times. It could be anything that was relevant. However the point is that we are neglecting the relationships that we value the most. In part that is neglecting the way we teach ourselves and others. Buy this shirt:  This Gigi is loved to the moon and back shirt From:  https://httshirt.com/

Glitter Grinch monogram ornament wine shirt

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Glitter Grinch monogram ornament wine shirt. But with me it has been both family and friends. Everybody always says if you need something call me I’ll be here for you all kinds of garbage I listen to through the years now that I’m going through this episode in my life that I’m going through family and friends. I’m just turned their backs on me if I am a tree I know that I have very little roots one good strong wind it’ll knock the tree over. Jenny Shaw thank you. There once was giant oak tree. In this tree in the springtime was a host for birds it provided strong branches so the birds could be able to make a nest and have families. Buy this shirt:  Glitter Grinch monogram ornament wine shirt From:  https://httshirt.com/

Big ol kitties cat shirt

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Everything in the video is the absolute truth and Big ol kitties cat shirt, but it’s not only the people you thought were your friends turnnout to be leaves and branches, but your family can be the same. When I needed family everyone turned me away as though I were poison and I just needed someone that would believe in me and understand the issue I was going through. During that time I have several friends that were really rooted true friends. People can really learn from this but they need to open their minds to what’s being conveyed. You guys took your time to do so. I’m actually crying because u guys don’t even know who I am and I’m very grateful for giving me the time of yours to comment it means so much. Buy this shirt:  Big ol kitties cat shirt From:  https://httshirt.com/

Party planning committee Christmas shirt

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You can know someone for over Party planning committee Christmas shirt, but the day you are in your wilderness seasons they are like Scarlet O’Hara from the movie Gone with the Wind. In cases like that you wish them well and keep it moving. I have only a handful of close friends. But the ones I have are real. Very tough to find in this life. I love the tree analogy and how you so eloquently articulate the differences. Margot Manson some have been in my life since I was very young. And although we may not always talk, each and everyone of them is there when talking is very important to do. Many are separated by distance, so I can’t even see them that often. Others I can call and tell them I need to see them and they are there for me. Buy this shirt:  Party planning committee Christmas shirt From:  https://httshirt.com/

Music sheet Is not allowed shirt

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I know right, somehow it seems like I’m the Music sheet Is not allowed shirt. Why is it that when I stop touching my phone then my life becomes completely silent, no text, phone call or visit to check on me. Only if we were able to spot those friends who are roots. I’ve held onto the hurt from that for 15 years. But you’re right, Jay. It freed me from shallow friends who were never really there for me in the first place, and made me appreciate my family. Thinking of them like leaves really puts a positive spin on it.  I am not sure I agree so much with this video and the analogy behind it. The question is; are we the friends we want others to be to us? are we doing to others what we want them to do to us? Buy this shirt:  Music sheet Is not allowed shirt From:  https://httshirt.com/

Police Daddy shark doo doo doo doo doo doo doo shirt

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I must share because I feel exactly the Police Daddy shark doo doo doo doo doo doo doo shirt Take care of ourselves because we are all we have. Make oneself a priority. Sending you support. They want you listening to everything they have to say but when you speak it’s like they’ve turned off. Feels like you speak to yourself. You go out of your way to comfort them when they’re grieving but you don’t even get I’m sorry for your loss when you lose someone close to you. I’m done with being nice to people. Lesson learned is be your own best friend. Buy this shirt:  Police Daddy shark doo doo doo doo doo doo doo shirt From:  https://httshirt.com/

This Mamaw is loved to the moon and back shirt

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I feel you girl. I went thru the same thing too with This Mamaw is loved to the moon and back shirt. It really made me realized whose real with me. This is why you have to be careful with the word friend. The Bible says that a friend will stick to you closer than a brother. Will not turn not deceive nor leave this is what a friend is. But we refer to people as my friend, no there associates. People are in your life for a season but a friend is there for life. Michelle Brown Sellers I went through the same thing. I found out, they liked my ex better! Buy this shirt:  This Mamaw is loved to the moon and back shirt From:  https://httshirt.com/

This Grammy is loved to the moon and back shirt

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Nancy Rice I feel you and I’m sorry. This Grammy is loved to the moon and back shirt, so they had to distance themselves. You sure realize who your real true friends are in hard times like this. Sad and hard to go through and deal with but you get through it and makes you even stronger. They say your lucky if you got one or two good true friends in your life. This happened to me too. Initially it was a lonely place for me, but over time, I found who my roots were and was surprised at how close we became. Buy this shirt:  This Grammy is loved to the moon and back shirt From:  https://httshirt.com/

This Mimi is loved to the moon and back shirt

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The tree was covered in snow and since its roots did not take too well with This Mimi is loved to the moon and back shirt. Soon the tree will die. Perhaps the tree even though it may be dead may be able to bring firewood Lumber or maybe even just a piece of wood that somebody can carve a figurine or carve a cursive horse. But you see my life has been like that tree full of life at one time and now no leaves and no branches. I am sorry if I ranted it on. if you look on my picture on my Facebook page you will see that there is a symbol in front of it. Buy this shirt:  This Mimi is loved to the moon and back shirt From:  https://httshirt.com/

This Gaga is loved to the moon and back shirt

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I met with an accident after I was done with This Gaga is loved to the moon and back shirt. When it was time to head back to home I said I’ll catch you later on this week. Bike came out nowhere he hit me. The biker was blaming me and tried to punch me. I was standing there trying to figure out what’s going on? What went wrong, I still remember my friends whom I used to think it’s my best friend didn’t came by my side to defend me. Buy this shirt:  This Gaga is loved to the moon and back shirt From:  https://httshirt.com/

Texas born texas bread shirt

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I then worked at the school and was always home with Texas born texas bread shirt. We didn’t want anyone else raising our children. Strike against north korea. Decapitate the regime of communism and kim Jong un and his fsithfuldog moon Jain. Moon jain is the spokesman of evil the agent of worst enemy. It shouldn’t be for government to try to design the work force. How about letting people decide which careers they want and not worrying if the vast majority of nurses are women or the vast majority of oil rig workers are men. Buy this shirt:   Texas born texas bread shirt From:  https://httshirt.com/

Official Kevin Smith I have issues shirt

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So much garbage is on the Official Kevin Smith I have issues shirt. So much to discuss about it. We litteraly kissed the ground when we went back home to Croatia and realized how good it was to live in a country that at least takes care of it’s trash. She ended up raising 200 orphans just to save kids from slavery. I think you should meet her and help her purpose. Her purpose is all kids to be happy and not work like slaves. It’s an amazing story. Just like Albania, the people and the amazing nature are a must see! Buy this shirt:  Official Kevin Smith I have issues shirt From:  https://httshirt.com/

Official Still tippin 44 shirt

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Most of them feel entitled but it’s our job to let them know it doesn’t work like Official Still tippin 44 shirt. I can tell that your kids are fortunate to have you as a parent because you protect your kids. Some people on here seem to give up on their kids if they turn bad. You have to be selfless in order to turn your kids around. I married their father, finished high school and went to college, and he died later. I don’t feel like my being single created troubled children. And “most” troubled kids is really broad statement. The truth can offend you. You appreciate or not appreciate what I say doesn’t change statistic. I have kids. I’m trying and am raising my teen. Buy this shirt:  Official Still tippin 44 shirt From:  https://httshirt.com/

Black is my happy colour shirt

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My husband who was middle aged at one time, did just that. Black is my happy colour shirt. Thinking about keeping families and our communities safe. People need to realize that people who say they don’t believe me are lying. They don’t believe me, but they are using them because they can’t stand up.  Anyone else saw that Trump need a paper to be able to speak about something that he has just read probably more than once and still couldn’t explain more than it said on black and white. So incompetent. Be more loose, be more relaxed. He is trying way to hard to be the good person. Time for a new. Buy this shirt:  Black is my happy colour shirt From:  https://httshirt.com/

Big pussie style shirt

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I highly recommend Big pussie style shirt. It worked for me very fast with the spells Hilary wonders did for me. He is great because he really works hard on cases and even now that all my problems are already resolved, I still come to him and make check to make sure everything is staying on the right track. I feel he is more like family to me like my own family. He always puts a smile on my face. Still so many disillusioned liberals thinking russian bots and russia russia russia. No, we voted for him to do what we want him to do. Not what you want him to do. Get out of that bubble of make believe and see the real world for what it is. We dont like liberal policy. Buy this shirt:  Big pussie style shirt From:  https://httshirt.com/

I am the reason why the Beer is all gone shirt

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I don’t believe in this program. I am the reason why the Beer is all gone shirt. Positive reinforcement and reward program in my opinion is better. Have a different approach. Instead of putting kids in this program, parents should put them in charity program like helping the ones in need. Positive influence gives positive reward. Do community service for the ones in needs, the disabled, the orphanage, the elders that need help. This makes them feel self value, that they realize and respect who or what they currently have, and not taking them for granted. Buy this shirt:  I am the reason why the Beer is all gone shirt From:  https://httshirt.com/

I’ve got chills they’re multiplying shirt

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Need water cannons! I’ve got chills they’re multiplying shirt! But the they push the children forward and the thugs to tear down the fences hide behind them? I dunno but for people who have been walking 25 miles a day with little to eat and drink they are looking pretty darn good to me. I just don’t buy into this whole I want a better life story. Perhaps for a few its true but I think there’s more to it. We should all pray for the safety of the children. Who in their right mind would put their children in danger like this? Buy this shirt:   I’ve got chills they’re multiplying shirt From:  https://httshirt.com/

Me at work I don’t think I get enough credit for the fact that I do all shirt

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It’s a shame that our country allowed someone like Me at work I don’t think I get enough credit for the fact that I do all shirt. All the countries should have a similar constitution to keep the environment safe. Theres too much pollution and global warming which is also affecting us as well. Thanks for sharing Nas and team, see you tomorrow. I think butan was the first country to mention environment in there constitution. It’s about individual rights verses government rights and collective rights. Buy this shirt:  Me at work I don’t think I get enough credit for the fact that I do all shirt From:  https://httshirt.com/

Official Tits are for kids get your cunt out shirt

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I think it’s great to include ecological topics in the Official Tits are for kids get your cunt out shirt and it seems that following the constitution or interpretation of the constitution often comes down to being one of the major issues countries have. Beautiful Montenegro, some of my best childhood memories were made there!! Every country’s constitution should cover ecological protection and nature preservation. We are destroying our beautiful planet! Buy this shirt:  Official Tits are for kids get your cunt out shirt From:  https://httshirt.com/

I am the reason why the Vodka is all gone shirt

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I also read somewhere that local along I am the reason why the Vodka is all gone shirt and returning them to their countries. You know, divide and conquer. Sounds good to me. Also, should have, could have used the bridge they all were on to corral and remove them. These don’t look poor and haven’t seen children!If there are as they get closer to the border they will put all women, children in front. I pray any refugees will not try to cross with them. They are picking up naive people along the way. Buy this shirt:  I am the reason why the Vodka is all gone shirt From:  https://httshirt.com/

Would you like some Basghetti shirt

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You managed to prove the Grinch is alive and Would you like some Basghetti shirt. You two should meet. You would be a match made in heaven out of broken china.  I would. But it would make some serious problems for the other two owners. And besides I don’t look good in jail bird orange or gray. The Keratin treatment would be perfect for you and we could get those extensions in after and have you looking all fabulous! ounds like to me that she is a bit pea green with envy. Ok so maybe its a lot. Just keep doing what you are doing. No need to sink to her level. After one of her tantrums just smile and say Bless your heart! and leave it at that!! Buy this shirt:  Would you like some Basghetti shirt From:  https://httshirt.com/

My needs are simple wine paw dog and gyms shirt

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Well on a better note. I’m in love with my cut. In love with My needs are simple wine paw dog and gyms shirt. You control your destiny and the choices you make. Don’t let anyone’s actions cause you to react negatively. Do you, be you. Stay happy and keep having fun. She is jealous of you that is why she treats you like that! I had the same problem with people who didn’t like you simply because others did.you are funny , easy like able and good at what you do. Some people aren’t naturally like that and aren’t good at faking it. Don’t let it damper your spirit Tom! Keep doing what your doing!you are loved! Buy this shirt:  My needs are simple wine paw dog and gyms shirt From:  https://httshirt.com/

I may be left handed but I’m always right shirt

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So now no one wants to be around her or I may be left handed but I’m always right shirt. And she thinks I’m the problem. But when grumpy britches is there it’s tense and uncomfortable for everyone. But when she’s gone. It’s an absolute blast. We cut up we harass and tease each other, hell, we get into rubberband fights! It’s just so much fun and I don’t notice the day slip away. And with it all this going on and it being Christmas, it’s damn hard to screw on a smile to my face and hold my head up. Heck because of grumpy pants I can’t do what I love, decorate for Christmas as it might ruffle her feathers. Hell I went and got some poinsettias for the shop because they where pretty and it made it cheerful for the holiday and it was a gift for each of them to put on there station. And hers is on the floor or where ever not even cared for or watered. Buy this shirt:  I may be left handed but I’m always right shirt From:  https://httshirt.com/

Official Thick fil a shirt

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Sure, you’ll pay a little more in taxes, Official Thick fil a shirt and healthcare. It’s not easy to get these world leaders in the same room at the same time, and his hissy fits are taking time away from discussions about what the allies believe are critical issues. The first step to taking care of our own is to stop all immigratoin for the next 10 years until every American that wants a good paying job has one. But they will never let Trump do that. I’m sure he would love to do that though. Buy this shirt:  Official Thick fil a shirt From:  https://httshirt.com/

If I’m drunk it’s my sister’s fault drink wine shirt

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I am one that switched to a Republican and If I’m drunk it’s my sister’s fault drink wine shirt. We must look after American interests and those of Democracy. The European Union is an elitist organization of unelected beauracrats. Democrats want this for America. We must stand up for Democracy and a Constitutional Republic. Never should we be subject to foreign powers!  Our elected president, doing just what he said he would, and just what he was elected to do, is letting the world know that America is back in the game and not just a cash cow for the rest of the world. You can criticise his delivery but his motives are from the heart and are for America and he deserves our support. Buy this shirt:  If I’m drunk it’s my sister’s fault drink wine shirt From:  https://httshirt.com/

I live in constant fear of what my toddler might say to someone shirt

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Hell I went and got some poinsettias for the I live in constant fear of what my toddler might say to someone shirt and it was a gift for each of them to put on there station. And hers is on the floor or where ever not even cared for or watered. What am I doing wrong here? I smile when she kicks me in the head, I smile when she blesses me out. I smile when she accuses me of taking something. Fuck I smiled and took it like a champ when she told her client’s that I don’t know what I’m doing or how bad a hairstylist I am. Buy this shirt:  I live in constant fear of what my toddler might say to someone shirt From:  https://httshirt.com/

The Anatomy of a Pew Bullet shirt

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Well to be perfectly honest, The Anatomy of a Pew Bullet shirt, of course without offending anyone who thinks differently from my point of view, but also by looking into this matter in a different perspective and without being condemning of one’s view’s and by trying to make it objectified, and by considering each and every one’s valid opinion, I honestly believe that I completely forgot what I was going to say. Have people died from vaccines? Not sure why they left that one calling people idiots or why they’ve left mine up, either, since it doesn’t really make sense to read it now. Buy this shirt:  The Anatomy of a Pew Bullet shirt From:  https://httshirt.com/

Hard working husband’s wife yes he’s working no shirt

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Thinking as I look back at this, Hard working husband’s wife yes he’s working no shirt and yes works for Walmart. I am proud to say my husband does work for Walmart. He has done many great things for our surrounding communities through local grants countless times and today I was reminded of all the wonderful contributions and thankful for my husband’s continued commitment with Walmart for over 20 years. Almost 30 years earlier, a toddler girl sat on the floor, struggling to shove a block into the wrong hole in a shape sorter. Fed up with the whole thing, she chucked it across the room. Buy this shirt:  Hard working husband’s wife yes he’s working no shirt From:  https://httshirt.com/

Grinch hand holding a glass of wine Christmas shirt

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A hurting heart always shows up on the outside too. Grinch hand holding a glass of wine Christmas shirt. Now this next thing is hard to remember. Your the only one that can ruin your day, you don’t have to let anyone else do that. Like I said hard to do! Merry Christmas to you! So just read your post. First of all there’s absolutely nothing wrong with you, you’re absolutely Amazing! You cannot be held responsible for all of the jealous people in the world, and jealousy is the only explanation I can think of to account for her nasty behavior and truly bad attitude. Buy this shirt:  Grinch hand holding a glass of wine Christmas shirt From:  https://httshirt.com/

Muppets Electric Mayhem shirt

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She passed him in the Muppets Electric Mayhem shirt. And he had more income coming in than she did. Longer story short I got a call out of the blue asking to meet. Even though I had forgiven I didn’t want to meet and was living at my brothers. I felt bad I didn’t know his side but yet I didn’t want to sleep under the same roof either. Through honest talks with my Dad and saying that we both have to be honest with our feelings my dad. Buy this shirt:  Muppets Electric Mayhem shirt From:  https://httshirt.com/

Xmas Jack Daniel’s Wine christmas shirt

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Some places on this earth at certain times are damned by the Xmas Jack Daniel’s Wine christmas shirt, God of war. It is a folly for men to dream that they can control the rages of stroms. America is always there to get oil for exploiting wherever it goes to exploit all the bombs are now threatening to use nuclear weapons, but they want to use the weapons. They always want to see the misconceptions here justice provided. I do not say that we do not bomb the lies that do not tell us where to go always war It’s always a war. The Chinese aren’t that friendly towards Afrikan people as one may like to believe. Buy this shirt:  Xmas Jack Daniel’s Wine christmas shirt From:  https://httshirt.com/

Mickey Mouse Captain Morgan shirt

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There will be a liberal on the Mickey Mouse Captain Morgan shirt. Do you remember the democrats was making Americans train foreigner in America to take your jobs. But President Trump said hire Americans first. Our President put Americans citizens first, saving your jobs. Vote Republican save America jobs in America. So far he has done a good job keeping he promises. He is not perfect, he is not the typical president as we are so use to politicians which tell us what we want to here, not what they will actually do. I don’t agree with everything he says or does, but I do agree with him to stand up for our country, of not bowing down to foreign leaders so they can continue to soak us for everything they can. Buy this shirt:  Mickey Mouse Captain Morgan shirt From:  https://httshirt.com/

Mickey Mouse Dr Pepper shirt

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He and his administration were running this country into the Mickey Mouse Dr Pepper shirt. He stated that there were jobs leaving and we are never going to see them again.I don’t know what Stock Market you’re investing in but my stocks and income have gone UP. My pension interest is up also. Don’t know where you’re investing, but you might want to make a change. Nobama didn’t do anything to the stock markets that was helpful. Mine and most of my friends all had ours go down. Robert Cee In reality it was closer to doubled than tripled so if you’re rounding then it doubled. It’s pretty bad given the opportunity he had with the economy still chekcing. Buy this shirt:  Mickey Mouse Dr Pepper shirt From:  https://httshirt.com/

Mickey Mouse Big Red shirt

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Donetra Sturgis that’s okay I don’t think I need Mickey Mouse Big Red shirt. And I have a degree in computer engineering and have been writing software code for the automobile industry for 20 years I would only make you look stupid. Norma he has filled every promise he has made and in record time. You are repeating someone who knows nothing. When you have first hand information then express your opinion, until then just keep hearsay to yourself. My whole family are voting republican and we’re all democrats. I’ve never been so ashamed of what they tried to do to our president. So if it takes that to get republicans in office so the country can progress then that’s were are votes are going , straight republican. Buy this shirt:  Mickey Mouse Big Red shirt From:  https://httshirt.com/

Mickey Mouse Corona Extra shirt

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Mickey Mouse Corona Extra shirt and any of you other Trumpsters understand the difference between an editorial, which is another word for some guy’s opinion, and factual reporting? I guess not as you continue posting opinion pieces. As I have said to others, name one fact I have stated about President Obama’s record that is wrong. Again, no one ever seems to respond. They just disappear into the ether. Still have your hand out waiting for those government programs from the blue states that support you while telling us how much you hate us. Maybe it is time for us godless liberals to turn the spigot off . Buy this shirt:  Mickey Mouse Corona Extra shirt From:  https://httshirt.com/

Mickey Mouse Starbucks coffee shirt

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Andrew we just tried to give our opinions and Mickey Mouse Starbucks coffee shirt. We try to make world a better place to live in. But I think as a big person he can give his voice represents millions of voices accross the globe who condamn the war or injustice.  I don’t think you understand the issue Mark. It repeats itself to this very hour and no amount of communication between us will change that. My empathy wears short when manipulated on a premise of my ignorance by those in charge. I see with both eyes and know history a little too well. Buy this shirt:  Mickey Mouse Starbucks coffee shirt From:  https://httshirt.com/

Mickey mouse Rhinestone Christmas shirt

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Every gun that is made, Mickey mouse Rhinestone Christmas shirt, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children. This is not a way of life at all in any true sense. Under the cloud of threatening war, it is humanity hanging from a cross of iron. The Chinese even told us that we were spending too much on military while our infrastructures and good Jobs for our people were deteriorating too fast. Buy this shirt:  Mickey mouse Rhinestone Christmas shirt From:  https://httshirt.com/

Mickey Mouse Diet Coke shirt

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I was notified that I will Mickey Mouse Diet Coke shirt. We the Americans people want more American military at America borders to stop the caravan.  The letter bomber is a Seminole Indian, So, I believe it is Elizabeth Warren’s fault. And he is a stripper, so Stormy Daniels has to share in the blame. Bonespur, you encourage people to kill fellow Americans just because they don’t like you. What medal are you going to award yourself when you become the first American dictator? Buy this shirt:  Mickey Mouse Diet Coke shirt From:  https://httshirt.com/

The turkey ain’t the only thing in the oven shirt

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What difference does it make to the dead, The turkey ain’t the only thing in the oven shirt, whether the mad destruction is wrought under the name of totalitarianism or in the holy name of liberty or democracy? Well I wanna ask you guys something. I’m from South Africa by the way. sorry about the errors, my English is not perfect. I know you guys in the US got army and your defense force is very powerful. I know that daily you recruit youngsters and train them to be soldiers. Buy this shirt:  The turkey ain’t the only thing in the oven shirt From:  https://httshirt.com/

Santa Claus Dabbing Christmas United States Postal Service shirt

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Sadly of all of the money spent our troops rarely have top notch bulletproof vests or Santa Claus Dabbing Christmas United States Postal Service shirt. They are the ones who should be equipped with the very best. The only money that went back to Iran was the assets that wealthy Iranians had here. They were frozen during the Iran hostage crisis when our Embassy was over run by militants who ousted the Shah who we supported. In order to get UN inspectors on the ground we gave that money back. Buy this shirt:  Santa Claus Dabbing Christmas United States Postal Service shirt From:  https://httshirt.com/

Mickey Mouse Michelob Ultra shirt

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So don’t be taking your screaming little children here let us 20 year olds go see it first. Mickey Mouse Michelob Ultra shirt. Your kids don’t even know what’s going on. Haven’t they had 2 other kids? Seems like Bob would’ve been there to help raising. This makes him seem unrealistically incompetent. Maybe it will explain more in the movie. When she died Disney acquired the rights and they were finally able to make the sequel Walt wanted to make. She was actually asked to cameo and Julie Andrews being Julie Andrews said no because she wanted it to be Emily’s Mary. But I read she completely agreed 100 percent with the casting. Buy this shirt:  Mickey Mouse Michelob Ultra shirt From:  https://httshirt.com/

Mickey Mouse Patron shirt

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Remembering him these days make me sentimental. Mickey Mouse Patron shirt. Been dreaming of my adopted father for 5th consecutive days, if I gonna dream of him tonight it will 6th this week. I lost my sister in law a few weeks ago and this hits home. All I can think of is my poor brother and his four sons and the pain they feel doing even the easiest of things with out her love there. I miss her so much but I know she is always here even when it hurts.  Such a lovely moving tribute to watch I saw this on the one show earlier you’ll help many others I send love best wishes to you and your children. Buy this shirt:  Mickey Mouse Patron shirt From:  https://httshirt.com/

Mickey Mouse Grey Goose Vodka shirt

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I lost my partner of 23 years suddenly last July at 44. I went Mickey Mouse Grey Goose Vodka shirt, to horrendous crying. Gary portrays how us widows feel every day. My sister died suddenly today. That this came up while I was distracting myself with Facebook is no coincidence, it’s divine. What a beautiful but heartbreaking tribute. I love it even though I’ve now got tears rolling down my cheeks! Brought tears to my eyes and memories of my own loss when my husband died in 2000. And yet I too feel often that my husband’s spirit is with me. Animation with real heart. It’s never about the magnificence of CGI it’s always about a story well told and given how personal this story is it is very touching. Buy this shirt:  Mickey Mouse Grey Goose Vodka shirt From:  https://httshirt.com/

Mickey Mouse Jack Daniel’s shirt

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Absolutely beautifully written, Mickey Mouse Jack Daniel’s shirt. I lost my mother and father and mother in law this year and my babies have had to deal with a hell of a lot, like we all have. But to lose a partner would be.  It is all about love and respect. So touching and full of love and somehow hope. Life never stops we only need to find the way to deal with our lose and grief.  I’ve been following this guy on Instagram and his posts are so real and some make me smile while others draw a tear to my eye. Very powerful sketches and a great coping mechanism I can imagine for him showing emotions through illustrations, powerful and moving without the need to speak. Buy this shirt:  Mickey Mouse Jack Daniel’s shirt From:  https://httshirt.com/

Mickey Mouse Remy Martin Fine Champagne Cognac shirt

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Captain Jack Sparrow cruises into the bay and Mickey Mouse Remy Martin Fine Champagne Cognac shirt. Nothing else in the entire series even came close, it was literally sunken after the first 5 minutes. Disney will milk any cash cow to death, and even then they will milk it some more. It has been their business model for years.  The best thing about this will be heading another Kermodian rant. The last one made me laugh so much I’m actually rather pleased! I thought the first film was very entertaining and Jack Sparrow is a great character. If only they stopped there. I actually quite like reboots. What bothers me is when they come very soon after the last film. Can’t we wait for a bit? Buy this shirt:  Mickey Mouse Remy Martin Fine Champagne Cognac shirt From:  https://httshirt.com/

Mickey Mouse Fireball shirt

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Can’t wait! Looks like a fabulous remake of Mickey Mouse Fireball shirt! This is wonderful news and I hope the movie is amazing as we all hope it will be. Emily Blunt wouldn’t be my choice for Mary Poppins though b/c her appearance just doesn’t fit, yet hopefully her acting will distract and lead us into the storyline. I am a little torn, what I liked about the original dumbo was the raw truth behind circus life for the animals and performers. I feel like our snoflake generation would not handle that although I am happy it is a Tim Burton film so hopefully he will keep some of that darkness alive. Buy this shirt:  Mickey Mouse Fireball shirt From:  https://httshirt.com/

Mickey Mouse Pendleton shirt

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When life goes on. I marvel at how my dad got through mother’s death with Mickey Mouse Pendleton shirt. He was outstanding! A most difficult job in the midst of one’s own grief. This is absolutely beautiful. Both heartbreaking and full of love at the same time. Best wishes to all of them. I bet she is smiling proudly at them all. If you have children under 18 you are in a different situation, you have a reason to go on and you have company! I couldn’t help thinking of all the people who are widowed who are then alone! Buy this shirt:  Mickey Mouse Pendleton shirt From:  https://httshirt.com/

Mickey Mouse Jameson Irish Whiskey shirt

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The original dumbo had some pretty racist stuff in it so Mickey Mouse Jameson Irish Whiskey shirt. I wouldn’t show my future kids the original dumbo until they were old enough to understand the problematic history it shows, so perhaps this version will be a good way to show it to them when they’re younger.  This version better have nightmare inducing hallucinogenic elephant dream sequences inspired by Disney’s collaboration with Salvador Dali.  I have dumbo tattooed on my shoulder because of my daughter I can’t wait for this movie, it is a favorite of mine and my daughters. Buy this shirt:  Mickey Mouse Jameson Irish Whiskey shirt From:  https://httshirt.com/

Mickey Mouse Coors Light shirt

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Disney keeps taking the easy road by remaking classic movies into live action and Mickey Mouse Coors Light shirt. Walt pioneered animation in the 20’s and 30’s. He tool risks and did what he wanted to not what was a guaranteed source of money. This shows how lazy Disney had become and that they have no respect for the audience. Disney also makes original movies. You can always choose to not see live action remakes and those movies. By the way, seamlessly blending cg and live action is more pioneering than using decades old animation techniques. Walt may have pioneered animation to an extent, but his film business is completely built on remaking classics. Buy this shirt:  Mickey Mouse Coors Light shirt From:  https://httshirt.com/

Mickey Mouse Miller High Life shirt

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Disney always wanted a sequel but couldn’t make one because the author of Mickey Mouse Miller High Life shirt, it was finally done!! I hope it’s good! They used hand drawn art in this one too it looks like!  I invite all of you to give this movie a chance. Mary Poppins was my favorite movie of all time growing up in the 80s, I would watch it over and over again. I almost cried at this trailer with how wonderful it looks. They aren’t simply redoing a story, it’s a continuation of lives We have waited to see.  I had to quit watching the trailer because I want to be surprised when we see the movie. You have to wait until you’re here for Christmas to see it. Buy this shirt:  Mickey Mouse Miller High Life shirt From:  https://httshirt.com/